Fall 2018 career fair
Thank you to the 89 terrific companies that participated in the Fall 2018 Career Day on October 10th.
AECOM Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc. American Electric Co., LLC Ansaldo Honolulu JV Armstrong Builders Austin Tsutsumi & Associates Bank of Hawaiʻi Belt Collins Hawaiʻi LLC BMK Construction, LLC Booz Allen Hamilton Bowers + Kubota Consulting Burns and McDonnell Engineering Carollo Engineers CENSEO AV+Acoustics City & County of Honolulu ControlPoint Surveying, Inc. Dawson DLNR Engineering Dorvin D. Leis Co., Inc Douglas Engineering Pacific Englekirk Structural Engineers Fast Enterprises G70 Geolabs, Inc. Goodfellow Bros. Grace Pacific LLC Hawaiʻi Pacific Health Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company, Inc. Hawaiian Electric Company Hawthorne Pacific Corp HDR Healy Tibbitts Builders, Inc. Heide and Cook LLC Helix Electric Hensel Phelps Construction Co. ICX Transportation Group Infrastructure Engineers, LLC Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Inc. Kiewit Koga Engineering and Construction, Inc. Kumabe HR Layton Construction Leidos Lend Lease Lyn Aerospace |
Mānoa Career Center MEH Corporation Mitsunaga and Associates Moss Nagamine Okawa Engineers Inc. Nan, Inc. National Security Agency Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport Navatek, Ltd. Network 2000 Nordic PCL Construction, Inc. NRD Los Angeles/NORS Honolulu Oceanit Pacific Geotechnical Engineers, Inc. Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Photonworks Engineering R.M. Towill Corporation Raytheon Ricondo Rider Levett Bucknall Rosendin Electric Sanjole Sen Plex Corporation Servpac, Inc. Siemens Industry, Inc. Society of Fire Protection Engineers of Hawaiʻi SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific Spirent SSFM International State Department of Health, Environmental Resources Office Swinerton Thermal Engineering Corporation Trane U.S. Army Corps of Engineers W.W. Clyde Wesley R. Segawa and Associates,Inc. Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, The Wilson Okamoto Corporation Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. World Wide Technology WSP Yogi Kwong Engineers |