Norman Abramson
Norman Abramson is Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, serving both in the EE and Information and Computer Sciences (ICS) Department, including an appointment as ICS chair. According to IEEE, “Norman Abramson is a pioneer in the field of wireless and local area networking. While at the University of Hawaiʻi, he led efforts that gave rise to the construction and operation of the ALOHAnet, the first wireless packet network, and to the development of the theory of random access ALOHA channels. ALOHA channels have yielded significant advancements within wireless and local area networking, with versions still in use today in all major mobile telephone and wireless data standards. This influential work also developed the core concepts found today in Ethernet.” (source)
Dr. Abramson writes that “Joan and Norm Abramson are located in San Francisco. On September 1, they attended the 60th wedding anniversary celebration of Frank and Dora Kuo, held at the Stanford Faculty Club in San Francisco. Frank and Norm joined the EE department at UH in 1966. In the early 1980’s Frank left to work at SRI International. Other UH attendees at the 60th anniversary celebration were JJ and Pat Garcia-Luna. JJ received his Ph.D. in EE at UH and is now teaching at UC Santa Cruz.”
Edmond Cheng
Emeritus Professor Edmond Cheng earned his BS in hydraulics at National Taiwan University in 1961. He worked as an engineer for s few years in Taiwan and Brazil, eventually returning to academia to earn a PhD in 1970 from Utah State University with a thesis on “Incipient motion of large roughness elements in turbulent open channel flow.” He joined the Civil Engineering Department in 1969 as an assistant professor, served as department chair from 1997 to 2003 and retired in 2010. During his career at UH Mānoa, he was the author of numerous papers, instructor for many courses, advisor for a lot of graduate students, and principal investigator for various research grants. After all this hard work, Cheng now golfs Monday through Friday, says he’s an amateur golfer and is enjoying every minute of it. Way to go Dr. Cheng!