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Safety Guidelines Electronic Communication Devices Guidelines UH Systemwide Student Conduct Code

Safety Guidelines and Laboratory or Workshop Practices

  • Prior to working in a lab, all students are required to participate in a safety briefing given by faculty/staff who regularly work in the lab.
  • Prior to performing any work in the lab, students are required to be trained on safe procedures to follow while conducting experiments and operating equipment in the lab.
  • All students are required to complete and sign a general Assumption of Risk, Release, and indemnity Agreement form.
  • Undergraduates and Graduates are prohibited from working alone and unsupervised in laboratories outside regular hours 7:45 am – 4:30 pm, and on weekends and holidays.
  • In case of a fire, immediately leave the laboratory/ workshop and pull the closest fire alarm. Do not use the elevators. Call (808) 956-6911 from a safe place outside the building.
  • In case of an accident, call (808) 956-6911 or have someone call and provide the following information: your name, location, nature of emergency.
  • Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited in laboratories/workshops.


Safety is an integral and important part of your education, your work, and your life!

Periodic, unannounced laboratory/workshop inspections will be conducted. If any student is caught working alone outside regular hours, that laboratory/workshop will be closed to any work in which there is not a designated instructor in the laboratory/workshop for two months.


Electronic Communication Devices Guidelines

The College of Engineering, in order to prevent the use of unauthorized academic assistance, bans the use of any electronic communication devices, including but not limited to, smart phones, smart tablets, smart watches, and related technology while completing closed notes/book quizzes, examinations, or other deliverables in which the faculty expressly outlines these expectations.

Additionally, per the University of Hawaiʻi Student Conduct Code, the following additional actions may constitute a violation of Academic Dishonesty:

  • the use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations
  • use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments
  • the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the UH faculty, staff or student body (i.e. use of Chegg or similar website to reference old tests, assignments, etc. without permission)
  • engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course
    syllabus or class discussion

The immediate disciplinary actions will be at the discretion of the instructor but may result in reporting to the Department, College, and/or the Office of Judicial Affairs where, if found in violation, the resulting sanction(s) may include expulsion from the University.

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